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+ (123) 1800-453-1546

Dr. Shrestha’s

focuses on cutting-edge research to explore a new generation of treatment that utilizes the concept of immunotherapy to achieve predictable healing. The lab has two main research themes: How antigen presenting cells in chronic oral infections are impacted by systemic metabolic conditions and how to immune-modulate these immune cells by using novel biomaterials. The overall goal is to better understand the role of specific immune response in chronic oral infections complicated with immunocompromised conditions and explore novel therapeutic modalities to modulate immune cells to obtain predictable healing.


We are looking for
talented graduate students!

Interested applicants please send a cover letter, CV, and academic transcript to annie.shrestha@utoronto.ca. You can explore the research areas of interest in this website.  

We are looking for
talented graduate students!

Interested applicants please send a cover letter, CV, and academic transcript to annie.shrestha@utoronto.ca. You can explore the research areas of interest in this website.